Stories of Pathways to Success: In Their Own Words
Success Story – How One Woman Escaped Abuse and Rebuilt Her Life
Thank you to Fannie Mae and every volunteer who dedicated their time and energy during the fall months to help beautify our residences! Their commitment to making a difference reflects the very best of community partnership and social responsibility. For many of our residents, having a well-kept home represents more than just aesthetic…
Success Story – Nick K.
My name is Nick. I live in Pathway Homes’ Assisted Living Facility, Stevenson Place. I have been living here since the facility opened in 1999! Before Stevenson Place, I lived with my parents in Annapolis, Maryland. It was a difficult time for me, especially since I was dealing with anxiety and schizophrenia….
Pathway Homes Resident in The Connection Newspaper: Life’s Curve Balls
Pathway Homes resident John Franklin was featured in the Connection Newspaper for his compelling journey as a San Diego Padres player….
Success Story – Thomas O’Shea
In His Own Words - “Now I Run" by Thomas O'Shea Before I came to Pathway Homes, I was crawling. After coming to Pathway Homes, I began to walk and now I am running both figuratively and literally. Sadly, for many years I was crawling. When I was six years old, I was...
Success Story – Sue
In Her Own Words - “Family Connections" by Sue Zywokarte My name is Sue Zywokarte. I have served on the Board of Pathway Homes since 2006 and I was a Pathways consumer until recently. I now live independently. I was fortunate to come to Pathway Homes in 2002. My...