Summer of the Arts

Date: June 21, 2021

Contact: Shawn Flaherty, 703-554-3609



Pathway Homes’ Hosts 9th Annual Summer of the Arts Hybrid Exhibit

Showcases Artwork of Residents with Mental Health Struggles



Pathway Homes, Inc. is hosting its 9th Annual Summer of the Arts Exhibit—both in studio and online, where Pathway Homes’ residents who have mental health challenges showcase and sell their own art, poetry, and crafts. Pathway Homes is a nonprofit providing mental health services—starting with safe, stable housing—to individuals marginalized by poverty and inequity. Art and creativity are an integral part of recovery for Pathway Homes’ residents.

The exhibit also honors Karen Free, a Pathway Homes resident and artist who passed away in 2011. The exhibit will be held at the Vienna Arts Society and the artwork will also be featured online at Artists receive 100 percent of the proceeds. 



June 29- July 29, 2021, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Monday through Saturday)



Vienna Arts Society 

513 Maple Ave W # 1 

Vienna, VA 22180 


Or online at



Pathway Homes’ clients who are artists, poets, and crafters, including:

  • Lorraine Johnson, an accomplished painter and 20-year resident of Pathway Homes
  • Alexander Botts, a painter and resident
  • Sue Zywokarte, a painter, long-time resident and Pathway Homes board member




For more than 40 years, Pathway Homes has enabled tens of thousands of people in Northern Virginia with serious mental illnesses and other co-occurring disabilities to get housing and supportive services to help them recover their lives. The event supports the unique talents of Pathway Homes’ residents and enables them to express their journeys to recovery through their unique and personal artwork.



To cover the Art Exhibit or interview an artist, please contact Shawn Flaherty, 703-554-3609.