Thanks to all our guests for making this another successful Summer of the Arts Reception!  On July 12, 2023, Pathway Homes had more than 50 attendees celebrating incredible artists and their beautiful pieces. This Exhibition honors Karen Free, a long-time resident of Pathway Homes and accomplished artist, who passed away in 2011.

The annual Reception allows us to celebrate the individuals we serve for their creative perspectives and showcases their commitment to embracing recovery.

This year, artists shared their passion for various art media, including poetry, acrylic, watercolor, and fabric embroidery. Guests were enthralled by the profound expertise in each artist’s work.

A special thanks to Supervisor Kathy Smith for her continued service and dedication, as well as her support of our mission. Our appreciation also goes to residents Sue Zywokarte, Sherril Crawford, and Ray Walsh for their candid depictions of how art has influenced their lives.

Our gratitude and admiration are extended to each artist for displaying their talent and vulnerability to the public.

We are especially grateful for the resilient spirit of these artists, many of whom had their artwork stolen prior to the show.

As the Fairfax Times explained what happened, “A few weeks before this year’s ‘Summer of the Arts’ exhibition opened at the Fairfax County Government Center in Fairfax, over 32 pieces of art were stolen from the office where the works were being held. A loss like this would be a devastating blow for any artist. Fortunately, the exhibition artists worked through this unforeseen challenge, just as they have the challenges they have faced as people with serious mental illness.”

Read the rest of the article, “Fairfax County Times: Overcoming Adversity Through Art”.

Dr. Sylisa Lambert-Woodard stands by Karen Free's artwork